Detroit East Community Mental Health
11457 Shoemaker, Detroit 48213.  Phone 313-331-3435
Client group: Adults with mental illness & with dual diagnosis. Children (0-17) with emotional disturbance and mental illness.  Services: Adults- outpatient, after care, ACT, day program, Fairweather, case management, nursing home consultation, court screening, telephone reassurance for elderly, consultation & education, Consumer Run. Children- Outpatient, prevention, case manegement, home-based services, Early On-Early Intervention.  CMH geographic area : Detroit zip codes 48207, 48211, 48213, 48214 & 48215.
Locator Map & Directions


Detroit East Community Mental Health
6309 Mack, Detroit 48207.  Phone 313-921-4700
Services: Co-occurring disorders, HUD/housing assistance, PATH, skillbuilding & transportation
Locator Map & Directions

Detroit East Community Mental Health
3646 Mt. Elliott Street, Detroit 48207.  Phone 313-626-2400
Services: Adult case management, drop-in, mobile outreach, skillbuilding
Locator Map & Directions

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