Borgess Medical Center
Inpatient & Outpatient Mental Health Services
1521 Gull Road, Kalamazoo  MI 49001
Services include: An Adolescent Day Treatment Program with psychiatric and medical evaluations and treatment, individual, family and group therapy, activity therapy, coping skills training and educational services. Monday through Friday six hours per day, 5 days per week. Adolescent Inpatient services include: psychiatric and medical evaluations, individual, family and group therapy for youth 11-18 years old. Adult Inpatient Services: Comprehensive psychiatric care includes; psychiatric and medical evaluations and treatments for persons 18 and above. Individual, family, group therapy provided, combined with therapeutic activities. The gero-psychiatric Unit adult psychiatric services designed to meet the needs of adult patients 60 and above.
Call 269-226-7000 (24-hour line) for more information. 
Locator Map & Directions


Borgess Medical Center
Outpatient Mental Health Services- Delano Clinic
8001 Angling  Road, Portage MI 49024
Services provided: Individual, family & couple therapy, psychiatric evaluations and treatment for adults 18 and above.
Call 269-321-7090 for more information.
Locator Map & Directions

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