Washtenaw County, Michigan Child & Adolescent Therapists
Diane Agresta, Psy.D.
Private Practice- Ann Arbor, MI
Business Phone: 734-665-9890
Website: www.a2drdianeagresta.com
- Training, Certification & Professional Associations:
Psy.D., Clinical Psychology, Central Michigan University, 1983
- M.S., Clinical Psychology, Eastern Michigan University, 1977
- Licensed Psychologist, State of Michigan, 1986- Present
Limited License Psychologist, State of Michigan, 1978-85
Member, American & Michigan Psychological Associations, 1985- Present
Member, National Register of Healthcare Providers in Psychology, 2008- Present
Certification, Council for Affordable Quality Health Care (CAQH), 2007- Present
- Areas of Practice/Specialty:
- Early Child, Child & Adolescent Psychotherapy- 43 yrs.
- Family & Conjoint Therapy- 43 yrs. exp.
- Insurance & Fee Information: All insurances that will reimburse for fully licensed psychologists;
Sliding fee scale
Norman E. Alessi, M.D.
Private Practice - Ann Arbor, MI
Business Phone: 734-222-6222
Email: nalessi@nalessimd.com
- Training, Certification & Professional Associations:
M.D., Medicine, Emory University, 1976
Licensed Physician, State of Michigan, 1977- Present
- Board Certification, American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology, General Psychiatry, 1982- Present
Board Certification, American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 1985- Present
Professor Emeritus (Active), University of Michigan, Department of Psychiatry, 2005-
Distinguished Life Fellow, American Psychiatric Association, 2015- Present
Life Fellow, American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 1988-Present
MDMA Therapy Training Program, 2021
Certificate for Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy, Fluence, 2022
- Areas of Practice/Specialty:
- Mood Disorders (Child, Adolescent & Adult)- 42 yrs. exp.
Child, Adolescent & Adult Psychiatry- 42 yrs. exp.
Autism Spectrum Disorders (Child, Adolescent & Adult)- 20 yrs. exp.
PTSD (Child/Adolescent/Adult)- 38 yrs. exp.
Psychopharmacology (Child/Adolescent/Adult)- 42 yrs. exp.
Disorders (Child, Adolescent & Adult)- 42 yrs. exp.
Neurodiversity- 40 yrs. exp.
Bipolar Illness- 42 yr. exp.
- Insurance Information: Fee for service only.
Tanis Allen, M.S.W.
Private Practice- Ann Arbor, MI
Business Phone: 734-417-7667
Email: tanis_jo@yahoo.com
- Training, Certification & Professional Associations:
- M.S.W., Interpersonal Practice, University of Michigan, 1985
Licensed Master Social Worker (Macro & Clinical Practice) #6801046541, State of Michigan, 1987- Present
Certified Internal Family Systems Therapist, 2011- Present
ACSW, National Association of Social Workers, 1991- Present
- Areas of Practice/Specialty:
- Adolescent/Young Adult/Adult Psychotherapy - 37 yrs. exp.
Eating Disorders (all types) - 27 yrs. exp.
- Grief & Bereavement - 37 yrs. exp.
- Depression/Anxiety - 37 yrs. exp.
- Internal Family Systems Psychotherapy - 27 yrs. exp.
- Adjustment to Illness - 37 yrs. exp.
- Insurance & Fee Information: Aetna, BC/BS PPOs, MESSA;
Sliding fee scale
Michelle Avery-Ferguson, M.S.W.
Private Practice- Ann Arbor, MI
Business Phone: 734-506-8318
Email: email@michelleaveryferguson.com
- Training, Certification & Professional Associations:
- M.S.W., University of Michigan, 1996
Licensed Master Social Worker #6801099213, State of Michigan, 2017- Present
- Member, National Association of Social Workers, 1996- Present
Synergetic Play Therapist, Synergetic Play Therapy Insittute, 2021- Present
- Areas of Practice/Specialty:
- Child Psychotherapy/Play Therapy- 11 yrs. exp.
- Parenting Issues & Parent Education- 13 yrs. exp.
Neruodiversity & Disabilities Issues- 13 yrs. exp.
- Disabilitiesr- 13 yrs. exp.
Insurance Information: BC/BS, Blue Care Complete, Blue Care Network,
Susan Barrow, M.S.W.
Private Practice- Ann Arbor, MI
Business Phone: 734-604-4435
Email: suebarrow@icloud.com
- Training, Certification & Professional Associations:
- M.S.W., Interpersonal Practice, Children & Youth, University of Michigan, 2004
Licensed Master Social Worker (Macro & Clinical Practice) #6801085198, State of Michigan, 2005- Present
Infant Mental Health Endorsement, Level 3, Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health, 2007-Present
- Areas of Practice/Specialty:
- Child & Adolescent Psychotherapy - 13 yrs. exp.
Infant Mental Health - 13 yrs. exp.
- Adoption/Foster Care/Attachment Issues - 13 yrs. exp.
- Family Psychotherapy - 13 yrs. exp.
- Parent Guidance & Education - 13 yrs. exp.
- Insurance & Fee Information: Blue Cross/Blue Shield; Sliding fee scale
Thomas G. Brewer, Ph.D.
Private Practice- Ann Arbor, MI
Business Phone: 734-771-3145
Email: tbrewerphd@gmail.com
- Training, Certification & Professional Associations:
Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, University of Detroit, 1995
- M.S.W., Interpersonal Practice, University of Michigan, 1976
- Licensed Psychologist # 6301009090, State of Michigan, 1997- Present
Member, American Psychoanalytic Association, 2017- Present
Candidate Status, Michigan Psychoanalytic Institute
- Areas of Practice/Specialty:
- Adolescent Psychotherapy- 35 yrs. exp.
Management- 26 yrs. exp.
- Anxiety Disorders- 42 yrs. exp.
- Depression- 42 yrs. exp.
- Insurance & Fee Information: Medicare; Fee Adjustment available
Marian M. Karl, Ph.D.
Private Practice- Ann Arbor, MI
Business Phone: 734-975-1875
Email: mkarlphd@gmail.com
- Training, Certification & Professional Associations:
Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, University of Detroit Mercy, 1999
M.S., Clinical Psychology, Eastern Michigan University, 1988
M.A., Guidance & Counseling, University of Michigan, 1979
Limited License Psychologist, State of Michigan, 1988- 2001
Licensed Psychologist #6301007426, State of Michigan, 2001- Present
Area of Practice/Specialty:
Adolescent Psychotherapy- 22 yrs. exp.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder- 22 yrs. exp.
Bipolar Disorder- 22 yrs. exp.
Anxiety &
Depression- 22 yrs. exp.
AD/HD- 22 yrs. exp.
Insurance Information: Aetna, BC/BS, Blue Care Network, Blue Preferred, Cofinity, Magellan, Medicare, MESSA, Priority Health, Tricare, United Behavioral Health
- Louise V. Langdon, M.S.
Private Practice- Ann Arbor, MI
Business Phone: 734-931-0677
Email: louise@louiselangdon.com
Training, Certification & Professional Associations:
M.S., Clinical Health Psychology, University of Michigan-Dearborn, 2012
Limited License Psychologist #6301015346, State of Michigan, 2012- Present
Affiliate Member, American Psychological Association, 2012- Present
Associate Member, Michigan Psychological Association, 2012- Present
Associate Member, American Psychosomatic Society, 2010- Present
Areas of Practice/Specialty:
Adolescent Assessments & Psychotherapy- 8 yrs. exp.
Neuropsychological Assessments- 8 yrs. exp.- Psychological Testing & Evaluation-
8 yrs. exp.
ADHD Testing- 8 yrs. exp.
Learning Disability Testing- 8 yrs. exp.
Insurance Information: Aetna, BC/BS, Blue Care Network, Priority Health
Roger E. Lauer, Ph.D.
Center for Neuropsychology, Learning & Development- Ann Arbor, MI
Center Website: www.CNLD.org
Business Phone: 734-994-9466
Email: rlauer@CNLD.org
- Training, Certification & Professional Associations:
Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, University of Michigan, 1992
- Post-Doc. Fellowship, Neuropsychology, U of M Medical Center
- Licensed Psychologist, State of Michigan, 1994- Present
- Clinical Neuropsychologist, University of Michigan, 1994- Present
Member, Professional Advisory Board- Learning Disabilities Association
- Areas of Practice/Specialty:
- Giftedness & Twice Exceptional- 30+ yrs. exp.
Learning Disabilities, ADD/ADHD, Asperger's, Autism, NLD- 30+ yrs. exp.
ADD, ADHD Evaluation & Treatment for Children & Adults- 30+ yrs. exp.
- Neuropsychological Testing LD, ASD, ADHD, Affective, Genetic & Neurological Disorders- 30+ yrs. exp.
Nancy Martin, M.S.W.
Private Practice - Saline, MI
Business Phone: 734-429-2290
Email: nancymartin.lmsw@gmail.com
- Training, Certification & Professional Associations:
M.S.W., Interpersonal Practice, University of Michigan, 1960
Licensed Master Social Worker (Clinical & Macro Practice) #6801005472 State of Michigan, 1970- Present
- Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist #6101005604, State of MI, 1992- Present
Member, Academy of Certified Social Workers, National Association of Social Workers, 1961- Present
- Board Certified Diplomate, American Board of Examiners of Clinical Social Workers, 1992- Present
Member, National Association of Social Workers, 1963- Present
Member, American Psychological Association, 2007- Present
- Areas of Practice/Specialty:
- Family Therapy - 34 yrs. exp.
- Adolescents- 34 yrs. exp.
- Individuals/Any Problem- 34 yrs. exp.
- Major Mental Illness- 34 yrs. exp.
- Problem Adolescents - 34 yrs. exp.
- Dysfunctional Families- 34 yrs. exp.
- Divorce Issues - 34 yrs. exp.
Insurance Information: Aetna, BC/BS, Blue Care Network, Humana, Magellan, Optum, Priority Health, UM Premier Care, United Behavioral Health, Value Options; Low income clients- $40.
Taylor Nezich, M.S.
Mindful Moment Psychological Services & Behavioral Health- Ann Arbor, MI
Business Phone: 734-415-6400
Email: taylor@mindfulmomentpsbh.com
- Training, Certification & Professional Associations:
M.S., Clinical Behavioral Psychology, Eastern Michigan University,
License Psychologist #6361007569, State of Michigan,
2018- Present
- Areas of Practice/Specialty:
- Child & Adolescent Psychotherapy- 5 yrs. exp.
- Adult Survivors of Dysfunctional Families- 5 yrs. exp.
- Behavioral Psychotherapy - 5 yrs. exp.
- Depression- 5 yrs. exp.
Nancy Martin, M.S.W.
Private Practice - Saline, MI
Business Phone: 734-429-2290
Email: nancymartin.lmsw@gmail.com
- Training, Certification & Professional Associations:
M.S.W., Interpersonal Practice, University of Michigan, 1960
Licensed Master Social Worker (Clinical & Macro Practice) #6801005472 State of Michigan, 1970- Present
- Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist #6101005604, State of MI, 1992- Present
Member, Academy of Certified Social Workers, National Association of Social Workers, 1961- Present
- Board Certified Diplomate, American Board of Examiners of Clinical Social Workers, 1992- Present
Member, National Association of Social Workers, 1963- Present
Member, American Psychological Association, 2007- Present
- Areas of Practice/Specialty:
- Family Therapy - 34 yrs. exp.
- Adolescents- 34 yrs. exp.
- Individuals/Any Problem- 34 yrs. exp.
- Major Mental Illness- 34 yrs. exp.
- Problem Adolescents - 34 yrs. exp.
- Dysfunctional Families- 34 yrs. exp.
- Divorce Issues - 34 yrs. exp.
Insurance Information:
Aetna, BC/BS, Blue Care Network, Humana, Magellan, Optum, Priority Health, UM Premier Care, United Behavioral Health, Value Options; Low income clients- $40.
- Andrew Orosan-Weine, Ph.D.
Ann Arbor Center for the Family- Ann Arbor, MI
Business Phone: 734-477-9132
Email: andreworosanweine@comcast.net
- Training, Certification & Professional Associations:
Ph.D., Clinical-Community Psychology, DePaul University, 1992
- M.A., Clinical-Community Psychology, DePaul University, 1990
- Post-Doc., Child & Adolescent Psychology, University of Vermont, 1994
- Licensed Psychologist, State of Michigan, 1996- Present
- Licensed Psychologist, State of Massachusetts, 1995-98
- Licensed Psychologist, State of Vermont, 1993-96
- Areas of Practice/Specialty:
- Child Management & Parenting- 34 yrs. exp.
- Child & Adolescent Assessments & Psychotherapy- 32 yrs. exp.
- Family & Conjoint Psychotherapy- 34 yrs. exp.
- Cognitive/Behavioral Therapy- 32 yrs. exp.
- Individual Psychotherapy- 34 yrs. exp.
- Insurance & Fee Information: Aetna, BC/BS,
BC/BS PPO, Blue Care Network, Cofinity, Community Blue, Health Alliance Plan, MESSA, Tricare, UM Premier Care
Melissa K. Richter, M.S.W.
360 Consultations- Ann Arbor, MI
Business Phone: 734-646-3039
Email: melissarich@earthlink.net
- Training, Certification & Professional Associations:
M.A., History of Art, University of Michigan, 1995
M.S.W., Interpersonal Practice/Mental Health, University of Michigan, 2001
Licensed Master Social Worker (Clinical & Macro Practice) #6801078396, State of Michigan, 2002- Present
Member, National Association of Social Workers, 2002- Present
Member, Council for Affordable Quality Health, 2010- Present
Areas of Practice/Specialty:
Adolescent & Young Adult Assessment & Therapy- 20 yrs. exp.
Family & Individual Psychotherapy- 20 yrs. exp.
Depression & Anxiety Issues- 20 yrs. exp.
Co-Occuring Disorders- 20 yrs. exp.
Substance Abuse Assessment, Treatment & Intervention- 20 yrs. exp.
Insurance & Fee Information:
Blue Cross/Blue Shield; Sliding fee scale available
Laura Sanders, M.S.W.
Private Practice- Ann Arbor, MI
Business Phone: 734-662-3509
Email: createcoun333@comcast.net
Website: www.laura-sanders.com
Training, Certification & Professional Associations:
M.S.W., Interpersonal Practice, University of Michigan, 1988
Licensed Master Social Worker (Clinical & Macro Practice) #6801061563, State of Michigan, 1990- Present
ACSW, National Association of Social Workers, 1996- Present
Areas of Practice/Specialty:
- Trauma Recovery - 33 yrs. exp.
- Children, Adolescents & Families- 33 yrs. exp.
- Attachment & Adoption- 33 yrs. exp.
- Gender & Sexuality Issues- 33 yrs. exp.
- Animal Assisted Therapy- 7 yrs. exp.
Fee Information: Out of pocket payment; detailed receipt provided
Sylvia K. van Meerten, M.A.
Empower Autism- Ann Arbor, MI
Business Phone: 828-458-0313
Email: Sylvia@empowerautism.com
- Training, Certification & Professional Associations:
M.A., Counseling Psychology, Union Institute & University, 2011
Limited Licensed Professional Counselor
#6401015933, State of Michigan, 2017
Member, Michigan Counseling Association, 2016- Present
Areas of Practice/Specialty:
Autism- 12 yrs. exp.
Family Counseling- 8 yrs. exp.
Teens & Young Adults- 8 yrs. exp.
Parenting of Special Needs Children- 8 yrs. exp.
Fee Information: Sliding fee scale

The Networker prints only the information that is submitted by the
practitioner. The names for the abbreviated academic degrees & state licenses given
above are as follows:
Academic Degrees: |
State Licenses & Certifications |
M.A.- Master of Arts |
C.A.C.- Certified Addictions Counselor |
M.S.- Master of Science |
L.M.S.W.- Licensed Master Social Worker |
M.S.W.- Master of Social Work |
L.L.P.- Limited License Psychologist |
Ph.D.- Doctor of Philosophy |
L.P.- Licensed Psychologist |
Ed.D.- Doctor of Education |
L.P.C.- Licensed Professional Counselor |
Psy.D.- Doctor of Psychology |
L.M.F.T- Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist |
M.D.- Doctor of Medicine |
S.W.- Social Worker |
Psy.S.- Specialist Degree in Psychology |
You may contact the Michigan Department of Consumer & Industry Services at 517-373-3740 or bhphelp@michigan.gov to verify the license of a specific mental health professional or for information about the requirements for specific licenses. If you know the permanent license I.D. of the professional, you may confirm their current licensing status at www.michigan.gov/lara