Michigan Psychoanalytic Institute
32841 Middlebelt Road, Suite 403, Farmington Hills MI 48334
Phone: (248) 851-3380
The Michigan Psychoanalytic Institute provides expert and confidential
advice to persons seeking treatment or referral. Trained
and experienced clinicians offer a number of services
on-site, including consultations, evaluations, treatment, and
Candidates (analysts in training) may be able to offer reduced fee
psychoanalysis for those unable to afford private fees. These
services are rendered under the auspices of the Institute but
conducted in the private office of the analyst in training. Some analysts may offer flexible fee schedules and/or work within the
limits of your insurance plan, though others may not. Please
contact us by phone (numbers above) to discuss your particular needs.
General questions about our services may be
but we ask that all confidential inquiries be made by phone.
To learn more, visit www.mpi-mps.org
Map & Directions
Michigan Psychoanalytic Institute
3300 Washtenaw Avenue, Suite 270, Ann Arbor MI 48104
The Treatment Clinic of the Michigan Psychoanalytic Institute offers reduced-fee psychoanalysis and psychotherapy to adults, adolescents, and children in the Ann Arbor and Detroit metro areas. Psychoanalysis is conducted by psychoanalysts-in-training in their private offices. Psychotherapy is conducted by trained and licensed clinic therapists in our conveniently located Farmington Hills or Ann Arbor offices. To leave a confidential message about your interest in the clinic, call (734)
213-3399. We will contact you promptly to arrange a consultation. To learn more, visit www.mpi-mps.org
Map & Directions

Michigan Psychoanalytic Institute Mel Bornstein Clinic
1945 Pauline, Suite 21C, Ann Arbor MI 48103
The Treatment Clinic of the Michigan Psychoanalytic Institute offers reduced-fee psychoanalysis and psychotherapy to adults, adolescents, and children in the Ann Arbor and Detroit metro areas. Psychoanalysis is conducted by psychoanalysts-in-training in their private offices. Psychotherapy is conducted by trained and licensed clinic therapists in our conveniently located Farmington Hills or Ann Arbor offices. To leave a confidential message about your interest in the clinic, call (734)
761-2727. We will contact you promptly to arrange a consultation. To learn more, visit www.melbornsteinclinic.org
Map & Directions